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The Indiana Association of School Broadcasters (IASB) is an organization consisting of and supporting Indiana high schools and colleges to promote professional excellence and student recognition in the area of media education. IASB membership consists of secondary schools and post-secondary schools that offer academic, career technical education or extra-curricular programs related to electronic media.


Currently, more than 15 college members and nearly 50 high schools and career and tech centers make up this organization. See the list.


IASB conducts four main events each year.


Statewide Student Competitions (High School and College)

The most public of these is the statewide student competition: one for high schools and one for college. This competition includes over 30 audio and video categories. The top three student entries in each category are recognized with plaques or certificates.


Annual Conference and Live Finals

The second IASB event is the annual Conference and Live Finals that is held each March at the University of Indianapolis. More than 800 students from around the state either attended the workshops or competed in live finals in several categories this past year. After lunch, the winners of each of the high school categories are announced and honored. This day is designed for students to learn more about the field, as colleges and other professionals present workshops and distribute promotional material about their institutions.


Annual Member's Meeting

The third event is the annual member’s meeting, designed for teachers, instructors and professors with a focus on continuing education and networking. Special speakers have given presentations on copyright law, FCC rulings, new technology and other areas to ensure our members are kept abreast of current events in the field. The networking opportunities include having high school teachers and college professors together to be able to discuss ways they can serve each other to make our future media specialists more prepared for this fun and demanding field. This meeting can also be used for Professional Development Points for Indiana State Teacher license renewal.


Instructor's Workshop

The fourth event is an instructor's workshop held during the summer. Radio and TV/Video educators from all-around Indiana get together for networking and professional development opportunities. It is a unique opportunity to get into a room with college and high school media teachers to discuss curriculum, equipment, and trends.


To become a member of the only organization in the state designed solely for educators of media related programs and their students, contact any of these board members.


Dues are $75 per year per institution. Conference and contest fees are $15 per entry and $15 per attendee. 





President - Kevin Hankins
Executive Director - Scott Uecker

Treasurer - Jeannette Rinard
Secretary - Jordan Glaza
Vice President of Secondary Schools - Phil Huffman
Vice President of Post-Secondary Schools - Lance Clark
At Large Member, Secondary - Jo Beth Bootz
At Large Member, Secondary - Tim Dench
At Large Member, Post Secondary - Terry Heifetz

Immediate Past President - Adam Schenkel
Professional Board Member - VACANT
Professional Board Member - Susan Decker
Professional Board Member - Rich Nye

© Indiana Association of School Broadcasters. All Rights Reserved

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